Product Description
1791 Gunleather is proud to offer a new spare concealed magazine holster which has a bit of deception built into it. When used properly the SnagMag is very discreete and the average person would mistake it for the clip of a pocket knife all the while actually holding a fully loaded backup magazine for your EDC pistol. The SnagMag is a custom fit accessory and as such the floorplate of the magazine should sit below the top edge of the SnagMag pouch.
1791 Gunleather is proud to offer a new spare concealed magazine holster which has a bit of deception built into it. When used properly the SnagMag is very discreete and the average person would mistake it for the clip of a pocket knife all the while actually holding a fully loaded backup magazine for your EDC pistol. The SnagMag is a custom fit accessory and as such the floorplate of the magazine should sit below the top edge of the SnagMag pouch.