The Must-Have Accessories for Every Gun Owner(Post)
One of the best things about being a firearms enthusiast, from beginner to professional, is the ability to accessorize, personalize and improve your firearm experience. Gun owners have many choices, ...
Accessories for First-Time AR-15 Owners(Post)As the proud new owner of an AR-15 rifle, you may be wondering what you need to customize your weapon to suit your needs. Alone, an AR-15 is a durable and precise rifle, but the ability to alter this ...
Supplies for a Whitetail Hunting Backpack(Post)Before the first whitetail hunt of the year, you’ll find us arranging and rearranging our packs. When you’re out on a hunt and there are no restaurants or super-stores nearby, you’re entirely depende ...
Choosing your First Home Defense Firearm(Post)The decision to purchase a firearm for home defense isn't always easy. So many circumstances and scenarios can be behind reaching that decision, and if you've never owned a gun, trying to choose y ...
How to Spot a Quality Made Gun(Post)Whether you're a newcomer to firearms or an expert, one crucial skill to learn before you choose a weapon and train with it: is how to spot high-quality guns. The ability to correctly evaluate the qu ...
Best Accessories for Concealed Carry(Post)Carrying a concealed firearm comes with essential responsibilities, including knowledge of your gun and what equipment it requires. Simply obtaining a permit is not enough. Safely and mindfully carry ...
Retay Shotguns: Revolutionizing the Hunting Experience at Freedom Outdoors(Post)At Freedom Outdoors, we are always on the lookout for innovative, high-quality products that can enhance the outdoor experiences of our customers. In the realm of hunting, one brand that has consiste ...
Choosing the Best Hunting Ammunition(Post)Choosing the right ammunition is both the most important and divisive decision you can make when loading your hunting rifle. There is no one right option. If you want to start a long debate, head to ...
Finding the Right Target Ammo for Your Gun(Post)For novice shooters and new weapon owners, range shooting is key to developing skill and familiarity with your firearm. Spending time at a firing range can give you the confidence to use your gun in ...
The Ultimate Guide to Savage 220 Shotguns: Precision and Power for the Serious Hunter(Post)The Savage 220 shotgun has long been revered among hunters for its exceptional accuracy, robust build, and unparalleled performance in the field. Designed primarily for slug shooting, this bolt-actio ...
Dove Hunting in Virginia: Gear Up for Success(Post)As the crisp early mornings of September roll around, Virginia hunters eagerly anticipate the start of dove hunting season. At Freedom Outdoors, we know that preparation is key to a successful hunt ...
Glock: Our Gun of the Month – Here’s Why We Love It(Post)At Freedom Outdoors, we are always looking for ways to highlight the best in the firearm industry, and this month, we're putting the spotlight on a brand that continues to dominate the handgun world ...